Day 1: Devoted to Prayer

VERSE: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6


DEVOTIONAL: We have all had times where we started something, a project or an assignment, and then thought, “Ah! I should have done this before I started.” And many times, we realize that the thing we should have done first…is pray. That is because, as Christ-followers, we are to be devoted to prayer “in every situation.” Instead of trusting and relying on our own power, we are to acknowledge God and involve Him in all our endeavors.  We ask Him to intervene and to work through us. And we pray that His will be done.

When we do devote ourselves to prayer and trust in the Lord for the results, we are promised that we need not be anxious or worried. And we can trust that God will bring about His good and perfect will.


Over the next 21 days our church will come together daily and pray. We will pray for our church to fulfill the mission God has placed on us: to know Christ and to make Him known. We will pray that our 99’s are intentional as we reach out and that our ONEs will be amenable to those invitations. And we will pray for New Hope to be a shining beacon in this darkened world as we enter this Easter season.

We start with prayer. We are devoted to prayer. Ready? Go!


PRAYER: Lord, Thank You for the gift of prayer. Help me to worry less and trust more. Help me to align my will with Yours and help me to embrace the mission of New Hope. Amen!

Jay Gilbert