Day 4: Focused on the Mission

VERSE: “…Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10


DEVOTIONAL: The best place we could ever be is inside God’s will for our lives. In this life, we have a tendency to want to go our own way, to plan our own course, to decide things based on our own desires. But God has a plan for you, and that plan may be different than your own plan! His word says that His will is good for us (Romans 12:2). So as Christ-followers, we should want to be in His will here on this earth, and we should want the things that He wants. In other words, we should align ourselves and our desires with God’s will and His plan for our time here on this earth. Today let’s take time to pray that God would make His will known in our lives and help us to stay on the right track.


PRAYER: Lord, thank You for being a God who cares and is with me every day. Thank You for Your will, which Your word says is good and perfect. Help me to be aligned with Your will in my life. Help me to walk each day into the plan that You have for my life. I want more of You, Lord, and less of me. I know that I have selfish tendencies and desires that are not from You. Please cleanse my mind and my heart, Lord. Help me to see the things You need me to do and give me the strength to do them boldly. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Jay Gilbert