Day 5: United as One

VERSE: May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6 ESV


DEVOTIONAL: Joy-filled followers of Jesus Christ that take pleasure in gathering provide powerful evidence of the greatness of God. Who else could take strangers, put them together in a church, a LifeGroup, or on a serving team, and turn them into a group of people who rely on one another to endure difficult moments through mutual encouragement? Only God!!

When we live in that manner—when we live in harmony with other followers of Christ—our worship becomes even more powerful. God takes our individual voices and puts them together into “one voice” to glorify His name. A church that lives in harmony can raise one mighty voice to cut through the noise of our world, to answer to the needs of our world, with the Hope of our world—Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Lord, I am so thankful for the ministry of Your Church. Your people have helped me through difficult moments in the past. They have prayed with me, and they have prayed for me. I can’t believe how You take a group of people and unify them. As we get closer to Easter this year, would You unify my church even more than before? I know that when we are united, our worship becomes a mighty noise that brings You glory. And when You are lifted up like that, You will draw people to You! Amen.

Jay Gilbert