Day 19: A Love Above

VERSE: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10


DEVOTIONAL: As much as you love and care for your ONE—the wayward relative, the friend without a clue, or the neighbor who has abandoned all hope in the midst of their struggles—remember this: Jesus loves them even more! More than the stars, the oceans, or anything in all creation, Jesus loves your ONE! He came for them. He gave His all for them. So that they would have freedom in Him! As you pray for your ONE, your prayer should be that they finally open their mind and heart to Him, that they begin to understand how much He cares for them, and that they would be drawn to Him.

There are so many things that compete for our attention in this world. We are constantly pulled in many directions including work, family, and other responsibilities. So when your ONE hears about church, it might feel like just another commitment on their calendar. But Jesus is the only thing in this world that is life-giving!

Your prayer should be that your ONE begins to see this and experience it.  And then, as they step towards a loving Savior who knows and loves them completely, they would be drawn to Him even more. Drawn to His presence. Drawn to His church. Drawn to His heart.


PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray for my ONE. I pray that in the barrage of things competing for their attention that they clearly see You. Help them to tune out the distorted values of this world and turn their mind and heart towards You. May they see how much You love them. Amen. 

Jay Gilbert