Day 21: Pray for Acceptance

VERSE: “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9 (ESV)


DEVOTIONAL: When the light bulb comes on, and we realize that we were created for heaven and not hell, EVERYTHING changes. Imagine that moment in the life of the ONE that you are praying for—when they trade the ashes of their life into the beauty God has for them. When they experience the freedom that they have been looking for their whole life. When they are adopted out of the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Light! It’s going to be a great moment when they realize they are created to be saved through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

No matter what their life may have included up until this moment, God can forgive them. The death of Jesus on the cross paid for all sins, by all people, of all times. We only have to accept that forgiveness.


PRAYER: Lord, I pray for my ONE __________ to accept the forgiveness that only You can provide. I can see in my mind the moment they realize that they were created to spend eternity with You. I would love to be there when it happens, Lord, but I’m much more interested that it does happen. In Your way. In Your time, Lord. Let my ONE turn to You and be rescued from their sins and their past. Amen.

Jay Gilbert