Year End Missions Offering
100% of the offerings that we receive for the Year End Mission Offering will go outside of our church to our missions partners, which can be found below.
Click the button to give, select your campus, and then select Year End Missions Offering.
Missions Partners
Faith Comes By Hearing
Provides audio Bibles to people/groups who have never heard the Word of God in their spoken language.
The Sanctuary Foster Care Services
Equips families with tools and resources to ensure foster children receive long-term stable home environment.
Refuge for Women Gulf Coast
Provides hope and healing to women who have been victimized by human trafficking.
Camp Tejas
New Hope sends hundreds of kids to Camp Tejas every summer. The problem is we have started to outgrow the camp. The good news is Camp Tejas is expanding facilities by adding dorms and larger auditorium space. This will give more kids a chance to experience the Gospel in a meaningful way.
Youth For Christ
Provides Christian mentoring to teens serving time in the Juvenile Justice System.
Beltway 8 Crisis Pregnancy Center
Beltway 8 Crisis Pregnancy Center provides counseling and prenatal care to women dealing with unplanned pregnancies.
Click the button to give, select your campus, and then select Year End Missions Offering